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Tools for Environmental Systems Analysis: Using Environmental Indicators

An assignment for the course "Environmental Systems Analysis" (ESA 22806, November 2011)

Please read the instructions for each of the questions carefully and ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. It important that you answer all questions, even those you find difficult, because once all the answers from all students are received I do a cluster analysis to determine which people think alike. I cannot do such an analysis if you leave questions (partially) unanswered.

In case of problems contact David Niemeijer


In this assignment for the course "Environmental Systems Analysis" you will learn more about the use of environmental indicators as a tool for environmental assessments. Indicators provide information on matters of wider significance than what is actually measured or make perceptible a trend or phenomenon that is not immediately detectable. Environmental indicators provide insight into the state and dynamics of the environment.

This assignment consists of three parts:

In the first part you will select the issues and indicators you find most important for environmental assessments. Imagine that this concerns a general environmental assessment and that you need to give your preferences without knowing the exact context, location or scale of the assessment.

In the second part you will develop a scoring method for comparing GHG emissions of a number of countries.

Finally, in the third part you will be asked to determine which indicators are respectively driving force, pressure, state, impact, and response indicators.

Your name, e-mail address, and country

Please enter your full name:

Please enter your e-mail address:

How old are you:

Are you male or female?

Male Female

Did you grow up in a city or in the countryside?

City Countryside

Please select your country of origin:

Part 1

Question 1: What are the key environmental issues you think should be included in a general environmental assessment?

Please indicate which issues you find most important for general environmental assessment (enter a number indicating the rank for each of the aspects below, for example 1 Toxification, 2 Air quality, ... , 8 Waste generation; please assign each rank only once):

Acidification Air quality
Biodiversity Climate change
Eutrophication Ozone depletion
Soil degradation Toxification
Waste generation Water quality

Question 2: What are the key environmental resources you think should be included in a general environmental assessment?

Please indicate which resources you find most important for a general environmental assessment (enter a number indicating the rank for each of the aspects below whereby 1 is the most important, 2 is the second most important and so on, for example 1 Soil resources, 2 Human health, ... , 8 Atmospheric resources; please assign each rank only once):

Atmospheric resources Forest resources
Human health Landscape
Marine resources Mineral resources
Soil resources Water resources

Question 3: What do you consider the best indicators for the issue of acidification?

Please indicate what you find the best indicators for the issue of acidification (enter a number indicating the rank for each of the aspects below whereby 1 is the best, 2 is the second best and so on, for example 1 SOx, NOx, NH3 emissions, ... , 3 SOx, NOx, NH3 concentrations; please assign each rank only once):

SOx, NOx, NH3 emissions
SOx, NOx, NH3 concentrations
Expenditures on pollution abatement

Question 4: What do you consider the best indicators for the issue of ozone depletion?

Please indicate what you find the best indicators for the issue of ozone depletion (enter a number indicating the rank for each of the aspects below whereby 1 is the best, 2 is the second best and so on, for example 1 CFC recovery, 2 Halocarbon emissions, ... , 9 Ground-level UV-B radiation; please assign each rank only once):

Halocarbon emissions Halocarbon production Apparent consumption of CFCs
Ground-level UV-B radiation O3 column Atmospheric concentrations of CFCs
CFC recovery Protocols signed in relation to ozone Fund contribution in relation to ozone

Question 5: What do you consider the best indicators for the issue of toxification?

Please indicate what you find the best indicators for the issue of toxification (enter a number indicating the rank for each of the aspects below whereby 1 is the best, 2 is the second best and so on, for example 1 Emissions of heavy metals, 2 Recovery of hazardous waste, ... , 9 % petrol unleaded; please assign each rank only once):

Emissions of heavy metals Emissions of organic compounds Generation of hazardous waste
Concentrations of heavy metals and organic compounds in environmental media Concentrations of heavy metals and organic compounds in living species Concentration of lead, cadmium, etc. in rivers
Recovery of hazardous waste % petrol unleaded Changes of toxic contents in products and production processes

Question 6: What do you consider the best measurement for global warming?

Please indicate what you find the best way to measure global warming. In other words, what should be monitored to get insight in global warming (enter a number indicating the rank for each of the aspects below whereby 1 is the best, 2 is the second best and so on, for example 1 Mean air temperature, 2 Tropical glacier retreat, ... , 9 Precipitation; please assign each rank only once):

Mean sea temperature Mean air temperature Mean sea level
Antarctic ice volume Greenland glacier retreat Tropical glacier retreat
Growing season length Precipitation Habitat shifts

Part 2

Please find below some data on the emission of Greenhouse Gasses in the EU-15 countries. Emissions are reported in terms of CO2 equivalents for the years 1990 and 1998. CO2 equivalents combine data for CO2, N20 and CH4 emissions in a single figure. The table also provides some data on the Kyoto targets, the population in 1990 and 1998 and the GDP in 1998. Based on the data in this table an interactive exercise is provided below the table.

Country CO2 equivalents 1990 CO2 equivalents 1998 Kyoto 2008-2012 target Population 1990 Population 1998 GDP 1998
(Million tonnes) (Million tonnes) (Million tonnes) (x1000) (x1000) ($ x1000,000,000)
Austria 76 78 66 7729 8047 211
Belgium 137 145 126 9967 10137 250
Denmark 70 76 55 5140 5228 174
Finland 76 76 72 4986 5108 129
France 549 554 539 56735 58139 1452
Germany 1202 1011 949 79433 81661 2151
Greece 104 121 130 10160 10454 121
Ireland 54 64 60 3515 3609 86
Italy 519 541 481 56719 57301 1197
Luxembourg 14 6 10 382 410 18
Netherlands 210 227 196 14952 15459 391
Portugal 64 75 80 9899 9916 112
Spain 303 362 347 39303 39737 586
Sweden 70 71 73 8559 8827 240
United Kingdom 729 660 636 57770 58821 1410
EU 15 4176 4065 3817 365249 372854 8529

Based on the data in the above table it is possible to develop an indicator for evaluation of the relative Greenhouse Gasses emission performance of the EU-15 countries. There are various possibilities. For example, it is possible to look at the absolute data or to look at data relative to population or GDP. It is also possible to score countries relative to the Kyoto targets or to some base line value for 1990. In other words, plenty of possibilities. It is your task to experiment with the various indicators provided in the popup menus and to answer the two questions below (questions 7 and 8). Feel free to play with the different indicators and compare them side-by-side by selecting a different indicator for each if the two popup menus.

United Kingdom

N.B. Shorter bars are better (lower emissions of Greenhouse Gasses). The bars show the relative performance of the countries.

Question 7: What would you consider the worst and best indicators for evaluation of the Greenhouse Gasses emission performance of the EU-15 countries?

Worst indicator:
Best indicator:

Question 8: What would you consider the least and best performing countries of the EU-15 in terms of Greenhouse Gasses emissions?

Least performing country:
Best performing country:

Part 3

Question 9: Which indicators do you consider driving force, pressure, state, impact, or response indicators?

Please indicate for each of the indicators listed below whether you consider them driving force, pressure, state, impact, or response indicators following the so-called DPSIR model/framework. If you do not know what the DPSIR framework is please consult the reader for this course which contains a paper called "Environmental indicators: Typology and overview" (or download it as a pdf file). The DPSIR framework is explained in that paper.

IndicatorCategory IndicatorCategory
Population density  Dissolved oxygen concentration in rivers
Farm size  Biodiversity
River sediment load (amount of sediment transported by river)  Drought frequency
Infant mortality rate (babies dying per 1000 live births)  Proportion of land protected
Meat consumption  Soil erosion

If you would like to make any comments, please do so here:

Before submitting your answers, please make sure that you completed all questions and filled out the entire form.


© 2001-2011, David Niemeijer